Forres Victoria Indoor Bowling Club recently held a Pairs competition at Edinkillie Community Hall. During the event a collection was made in memory of a well-loved member, Chris Stoves, who died last year.
Forres Community Woodlands Trust was chosen by her partner, Charlie Watt, Vice-President of the Bowls Club as Chris had regularly enjoyed walking in Sanquhar Woodlands together with other bowls club members, Peggy Locke, Hazel Caldwell and Cathie Waite and appreciated how well the Woodlands were maintained by the volunteers.
Donations from bowlers, Chris’ family and club funds amounted to £461.21 and this was presented by Charlie Watt to FCWT Chairman, Donald Wright and Secretary Gisela MacFarquhar.
FCWT Chairman, Donald Wright, said that it is gratifying to hear how much the Woodlands are appreciated and the Trust are grateful to the Forres Victoria Indoor Bowling Club for considering the Trust to be worthy of their memorial fundraiser on behalf of the late Chris Stoves.