Membership of the Trust not only demonstrates your support for our bio diverse woodlands but also enables you to influence future policy and direction of the Trust. Members receive updates by regular newsletters on activities and developments within the woodlands as well as relevant articles from local naturalists.
Membership is for 12 months and runs from the date of payment.
Only fully paid up Members can vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Membership Fees were confirmed at the Annual General Meeting in November 2024 as follows:
- Annual Family Membership for two adults and two children under 18 costs £12 – the children do not have the right to vote.
- Annual Single Membership costs £8
- Annual Membership for Concessions is £5
The Membership Form to join the Forres Community Woodlands Trust can be downloaded here. The form should be completed, and then emailed as an attachment to fcwtsecretary@gmail.com. Alternatively, the form can be printed and submitted at FCWT at Forres Town Hall or posted to the FCWT, Membership Secretary at Forres Community Woodlands Trust, Town Hall, High Street, Forres, IV36 1PB
Payment may be made by cheque or internet bank transfer or by setting up a Standing Order. Details of payment methods and how to make your Membership eligible for Gift Aid are on the Membership Form. Please indicate which payment method you will use.